I went out for a bike ride and came back with a new appriciation and a story

Today I went out for a bike ride as I haven’t gone out in a while. While riding by I noticed one of my neighbors an older woman going through boxes, I also noticed the main window was boarded up. After talking with her I learned her house had caught fire do to a water heater. We talked and talked and I grew to appreciate and admire her ability to stay positive, despite the fact this event took place on her birthday. It is events like these that show us what really maters and who around us are real friends. She talked about the help she has received from family and neighbors and the little things like an old photograph of her daughters and her grandmothers engagement ring found while cleaning. It’s hard to imagine that good things can be found in an event like this but they can. I offered to help her clean to which she politely declined though she did insist on showing me some cloths she is getting rid of. I was happy to oblige her wishes and give a blazer a new home. We parted and I will see her again (and probably offer my assistance) but when I wear the blazer I will remember that sometimes unexpected but magical moments occur when you least expect them.

I’m Convinced I’m Jinxed

My Grandparents recently got back from Europe so my mom, my brother and me went over to chat about the trip. My Memere got me a mask and postcard from Venice and my brother got some euros. As usual I brought my camera but forgot the CF card so I used my Phone to take pictures. Despite the chill in the air my Pepere’s flowers in his front yard are still thriving. Because my camera was out of play I had a feeling I might get a chance to catch a glimpse of the wild turkeys that make their home in the woods behind their house. I always seem to have my camera die when I see them or not have it with me. I walked around the neighborhood then decided to go a bit into the scrub in the back of the house and with my phone’s battery dying what do I see, about a dozen turkeys within mere feet of me.  I truly believe I am cursed to never get a  photo of the damn things.

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